September Serenade

Nature sings through every season. September sings a special song as it ushers in Autumn with cooler days and a waning sun.

I watched from across the street as the bus came to a halt, doors swung open for the kids to jump on and get to school for the first day. A recollection of days past filled the recesses of my mind. The youngest child seemed excited, but the older ones not so much. A mom stood on the porch and waved with a tear that found its way down her cheek. I remembered the bittersweet emotions that those days brought with them. Continuing on my walk, I felt the doors of summer beginning to close and a new season breaking on the horizon.

September sings her Song

Football season awaits to break through the gates while a hint of fall tickles the air. The thoughts of bonfires, cool evenings and harvest festivals that scent the air send a sense of excitement to my thoughts. Mums and pumpkins decorate our porches as we say goodbye to the hot days of summer.

For those of us that are victims of the heat and humidity of the south, we anticipate and hope for the crisp mornings of September to greet us sooner rather than later. They pour their refreshing balm upon us when we are weary of the long, hot days of summer. Nature is busy trimming the mornings and afternoons with less light. The sun tilts its head and repositions itself lower in the sky shimmering reflections off the leaves that no other season knows. There is something magical about the birth of each new season. A sense of awe and wonder fills the air.

Last year September unveiled its beauty on a clear day with the sun pressed against a brilliant, blue sky. The air was fresh, scented with the remnants of rain from the night, and a soft breeze kissed my face. Clouds dressed in white gowns danced across the sky as though they were the welcoming party ushering the new month across the earth. I seated myself on the deck and watched the morning unfold as I penned the following poem. Enjoy!

Enjoy more poems at Famous Poems About September: Capturing the Essence of Autumn - PoemVerse

Twelve long months since I saw you last…September greets me with her beauty of shorter days and longer nights and a sun with a tilted head.

Welcome September

Embers of summer faint in glow. Steps

Of September unfold, and mount clouds

In white gowns to dance like Gypsies

across the sky, ushering in cooling days

And a waning sun, falling as one.


A passing season is mourned, but

A new one wrapped in vibrant blankets

Is born laying a subtle path of ease

To winter’s ebbing chill. The sun tips

His hat and lowers the light in my pane. 

Twelve long months since I saw you

Last. You greet me with dawn’s silken

Sash and breezes that weave through

Blades beneath thinning trees

That will soon lose their shade.

Welcome September!


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